Particles Horizon

PDG High-Energy Proton Scattering and Cross-Section Data.

Physics15 MBHDF5, ROOT
LicenseCERN Open Data License
Last Updated2024-02-24

About This Dataset

This dataset contains comprehensive information about high-energy particle physics interactions, specifically focusing on proton scattering and cross-section measurements. The data is sourced from the Particle Data Group (PDG), a renowned collaboration in particle physics.

Key Aspects of the Dataset: - High-energy proton-proton collision data - Total and elastic cross-sections - Momentum transfer measurements - Various experimental conditions and parameters - Uncertainty measurements and error estimates

Research Applications: - Fundamental particle physics research - Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) studies - Accelerator physics optimization - Theoretical model validation - High-energy physics education

The dataset is particularly valuable for: - Particle physicists - Nuclear physics researchers - Theoretical physics studies - Machine learning in physics - Academic research and education

Data Collection Methods: - Large Hadron Collider experiments - Fixed-target experiments - Various particle accelerator facilities - Precision detector measurements

Data Schema

sqrt_sfloatCenter-of-mass energy in GeV
sigma_totfloatTotal cross-section in millibarns
sigma_tot_errfloatError in total cross-section measurement
sigma_elfloatElastic cross-section in millibarns
sigma_el_errfloatError in elastic cross-section measurement
tfloatFour-momentum transfer squared in GeV²
dsigma_dtfloatDifferential cross-section
experimentstringName of the experiment or facility
yearintegerYear of data collection
beam_energyfloatBeam energy in GeV
systematic_errfloatSystematic error estimation

Sample Code

# Python code for analyzing particle physics data
import uproot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# Load data from ROOT file
file ='particle_data.root')
tree = file['Events']

# Extract cross-section data
energies = tree['sqrt_s'].array()
cross_sections = tree['sigma_tot'].array()
errors = tree['sigma_tot_err'].array()

# Define Regge-inspired fit function
def regge_fit(s, a, b):
    return a * np.power(s, b)

# Perform fit
popt, pcov = curve_fit(regge_fit, energies, cross_sections, 
                      sigma=errors, absolute_sigma=True)

# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.errorbar(energies, cross_sections, yerr=errors, 
            fmt='o', label='Data')
plt.plot(energies, regge_fit(energies, *popt), 
         'r-', label='Regge fit')
plt.xlabel('√s (GeV)')
plt.ylabel('σ_tot (mb)')

Usage Tips

  • Properly handle the experimental uncertainties in your analysis
  • Consider both statistical and systematic errors when fitting models
  • Use appropriate binning for differential cross-section analysis
  • Pay attention to the energy regime when comparing different experiments
  • Consider acceptance corrections when analyzing angular distributions


Comprehensive Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energies

PDG Collaboration

Physical Review D, 2023

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.030001

Measurement of Total and Elastic Cross Sections at the LHC

TOTEM Collaboration

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2023

DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2023.103948

Particles Horizon


Total Contributors234
